Ease, Grace & Abundance in Business—with Christine Kloser - EP35

We’ve been conditioned to believe that success comes with hard work, hustle and grind. That if our work is too easy, we must be doing something wrong. But what if business can be about flow and ease? What if we can make work fit into our life? What if this kind of graceful approach actually allows us to show up as our best selves and serve at the highest level?

Christine Kloser is the bestselling author, coach and publisher behind The Transformation Quadrant, a system for helping entrepreneurs and leaders write their transformational books. Since 2004, she’s supported 80K aspiring authors in 127 countries in signing publishing deals, promoting their work on major media outlets and keynoting on stages worldwide. Christine’s life-changing process for becoming a Transformational Author allows her to deliver more than a published book. In fact, she helps her clients fully embody their authentic selves and share their powerful message with the world.

On this episode of Wickedly Smart Women, Christine joins Emerald to share what called her to this role, walking us through her journey from helping her husband get published to coaching thousands of transformational authors. Christine describes how being conditioned to work hard led her to bankruptcy and explain what steps she took to trust the ease and grace of doing business on her terms. Listen in to understand how self-care serves as fuel for us to serve at the highest level and learn how YOU can use Christine’s methodology to initiate your own personal transformation!

What You Will Learn

Christine’s introduction to publishing through her husband’s book

How saying YES to what showed up inspired Christine’s current work

How being conditioned to work hard led Christine to bankruptcy

Why self-care serves as fuel for being able to serve at the highest level

How Christine learned to trust the ease + grace of doing business on her terms

Christine’s exercise for creating a blueprint for your book or course

What Christine did to get clear on her next steps and build a new business

The process Christine uses to help authors embody their true self

Connect with Christine Kloser

Transformation Quadrant

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Get Your Book Done Podcast


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Advocating for Your Neurodiverse Child—with Valerie Aprahamian - EP36


Applying Astrology to Modern Life—with Simone Butler - EP34