Taking Ownership of Your Life by Mastering Confrontation —with Danielle Gibson - 127

Confrontation is usually considered a negative thing but what if instead of fearing confrontation and avoiding it, you stepped into it and embraced it directly?

Danielle Gibson, a Confrontation Expert and Performance Coach works with people just like you. People from all sorts of professions who are looking to live confidently in themselves. Danielle grew up as a very direct woman and has found that when you embrace confrontation in the right ways, you allow yourself to become more present and to take leadership of your own life.

On this episode of Wickedly Smart Women, Danielle joins Anjel to explain how she has recognized her natural directness as a positive thing and how she encourages others to embrace that side of them. Danielle takes the power charged word: ‘confrontation’ and gives it a whole new meaning with her coaching and consulting. Listen in for Danielle’s insight on how to embrace confrontation in order to live a life that is fully authentic to you, instead of living out of fear.

What You Will Learn 

How Danielle got into coaching

How Danielle views being direct as a positive, expressive quality

The fear behind people who don’t express themselves fully

Developing leadership qualities

How Danielle defines confrontation

Using confrontation as a beneficial tool instead of avoiding it

Danielle’s coaching and consulting approach

How Danielle realized that she was a strong energy reader

Confrontation starts with yourself

The range of people Danielle works with

How confrontation can improve every area of your life

Connect with Danielle Gibson

The Confrontationalist

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Danielle Gibson Coaching and Consulting on Facebook


2021 Award of Distinction in 27th Annual Communicator Awards

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