How to Land the Executive Role You Want—with Gina Riley- EP259
Gina Rily joins Anjel to explain how she helps executives define and describe their leadership approach in a powerful way
How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking—with Julia Kraft - 225
Julia joins Anjel to explain when she realized she had to use her voice to grow her business and how she helps women develop an authentic leadership presence when we speak.
Empowering Women to Greater Careers—with Blake Schofield - 182
Blake joins Anjel to discuss the tangible results she produced while working in corporate America and for her coaching clients by embracing the unique feminine gifts that women bring to the table.
Uncover Your Genius as a Multipotentialite—with Jennifer Parker-Brown - EP98
Jenni P joins Anjel to explain why we all have the capacity to be multipotentialites and how our true genius emerges at the crossover among all the aspects of ourselves. She weighs in on why energetic work must come before business strategy, sharing how money comes easily when you’re in the right vibrational state. Listen in as Jenni P introduces us to the Trinity Code process and learn how to uncover YOUR genius and create lasting change in the world!
What It Means to Be a Juicy Life Leader—with Sylvia Becker-Hill - EP92
Syliva joins Anjel to share her experience of growing up in a patriarchal culture, describing how she cut off her mind from the rest of her body and heart. She explains how the world is evolving to a system of gender partnership and introduces us to the idea of using intentional creativity to access our inner guidance. Listen in for Sylvia’s insight on what it means to be a juicy life leader and learn how to use money and power as a tool for good!
Show Up with Authenticity & Share Your Story—with Holley Mignosi - EP39
Have you abandoned yourself in the name of belonging? If you’re sacrificing your own self-care in order to be accepted, you DO have the power to make a different choice. To show up with authenticity and be celebrated for being YOU.
Breaking Barriers & Setting Boundaries—with Sage Simpson - EP21
What’s the difference between barriers and boundaries? Even the most wicked-smart women among us struggle with giving our time and energy away. So, how do we break free of the artificial barriers society places on us and learn to set healthy boundaries? How do we create routines that nourish our minds, bodies and hearts?
Lead with Emotional Intelligence & Drive Results—with Sheryl Dutra - EP10
There is no one path to becoming a great leader. But if you want to engage and inspire the people you work with, it is important to get to know them as individuals. How can we develop the emotional intelligence to really understand our team member’s strengths and values? And leverage that understanding to drive team performance and results?