Wickedly Smart of you to say YES to receiving this Roadmap!

There are 10 Powerful Signs in this booklet that will give you the awareness and insights needed to make the life changing decision to exit your corporate career and get started consulting…BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! Imagine a life where YOU make the rules about how, where & with whom you choose to work! A life where your income level is only limited by your imagination! AND doing it all from the comfort of your couch?

With over 40 years of entrepreneurial experience along with a client list of some of the most impact producing women on the planet you can be assured that no stone was left unturned in delivering the details of how to convert YOUR Wisdom To Wealth!

We are so excited to be able to support you as you commence this journey.

Bonus: Complimentary Consultation
When you download this roadmap, you’ll also have the opportunity to apply for a complimentary consultation with Anjel B. Hartwell, Founder of Creative Age Consulting Group, known as The Wealthy Life Mentor & the Creator, Executive Producer & Host of the 13X Award Winning Wickedly Smart Women Podcast. This is your chance to explore how our signature program the Wickedly Smart Women’s Start Smart Intensive™ can help you achieve the freedom, impact, and financial success you’ve been dreaming of.