The Transformational Journey of Saying YES to Yourself

Each time we say YES to ourselves and our dreams, we are invited on a journey of introspection and transformation.

In this special episode of Wickedly Smart Women, we are introducing our brand new book, WICKEDLY SMART WOMEN: Trusting Intuition, Taking Action, Transforming Worlds, and introducing you to our co-authors, each of who has written a chapter in the book.

Debbie Peterson went from planning commissioner to council member to mayor, where she found unthinkable corruption and, with a disparate group of citizens, brought it down. Her books, and podcast, Corruption Chronicles, tell the true crime story and teach elected representatives and citizens how to ensure that their towns don't become the next happiest corruption in America. Her chapter of the book is called "The Dirty Little Secret of San Luis Obispo County."

Sharon Rose Wallen is a retired elementary school teacher who taught for 32 years. She's the recipient of the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and Outstanding American Teachers National Honor Roll. She's also the author of the Grateful Reflections Journal. Her chapter of the book is called "Power of Growth, Aligned Growth and Growth Mindset in Everyday Life."

Batoul Ajlouni is a former business executive, entrepreneur, writer, and coach who shares her transformational discoveries with audiences searching for answers. She is also the award-winning author of "Ditching Success?" Her book chapter is called "The Choices We Make."

Jacklyn Ryan is a senior care advocate, the founder of Caregivers Scaretakers, and a USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling author. She became a Senior Care advocate after scary experiences in the caregiving of both of her parents. Now she's on a mission to expose fraud in senior care and help others, so they don't have to face the same experiences her family has. She's written a book called, "CareGivers ScareTakers - Exposing Fraud in Senior Care." Her chapter in the book is called "Relationships, Manipulations, and Questions."

On this episode of Wickedly Smart Women, Debbie, Sharon, Batoul, and Jacklyn join Anjel to share how saying YES to themselves led them on the transformational journey of becoming one of the collaborative authors in WICKEDLY SMART WOMEN.

Each woman shares how saying yes to this project transformed her own life and the mission they are each on to transform the lives of others in their community.

WICKEDLY SMART WOMEN, we'd love to have you share this book with your lovely lady friends, your mom, your daughter, your sister, your friend, or your colleague so that they can receive the wisdom and the bursts of inspiration from our amazing authors. You can also join us for our Zoom launch party on January 11, 2023. Click here to learn more.

What You Will Learn

Batoul shares why she wanted to be a part of a project that not only empowers women but also celebrates them

Debbie shares why she wanted to be a part of the book with fellow women who are action-takers and get things done

Jacklyn shares why being a part of a project about listening to your intuition appealed to her

Sharon shares how a higher power led her to be a part of the book

Jacklyn shares why she hopes her chapter will help others examine their relationships and walk away if needed

Debbie shares why she hopes WOMEN who read her chapter will get involved in politics because it's women who WILL change the world

Batoul shares why she hopes her chapter in the book will inspire others to make the tough but transformative decisions they've been struggling with

Sharon shares why she hopes her story will help other women embrace a growth mindset


WICKEDLY SMART WOMEN: Trusting Intuition, Taking Action, Transforming Worlds

Introducing: The Life is Good Playmaker Project


The Cathartic Process of Writing Your Story into the World


Connecting with Your Intuition to Make Your Dreams Come True